Wednesday, September 5, 2012

You Never Know Who's Watching

While I was playing some COD last night, my roommate was stumbling acrossed the internet and he stumbled upon something that straight up bewildered me..

I don't know if you have ever heard of the hacking group named Anonymous, but they are a group of "rebelious" hackers that use their skills to help society find out about things the government or big companies don't want us to find.

A great example, Anonymous recently hacked into a computer of an FBI agent by the name of Christopher Stangl. On this computer they found 12,367,232 apple iOS devices and their UDID (Unique Device Identifiers). What this means is that the FBI had 12 million Iphone and Ipad serial numbers that this agent might have been using to spy, but they aren't 100% sure what the use is. What is 100% sure is that this agent had them, for some reason, and that isn't cool at all!

Apple denies giving the serial numbers to anyone, but of course they aren't going to tell the pubic the truth.

I'm just glad I don't have an Iphone, or an apple product at that. Maybe this will open some peoples eyes, maybe not. But it makes me wonder what the government really has access to, and honestly, it kind of disturbs me. Believe what you want, but I bet we'll never find out what happens.